" top_nav_bar "
" run "menu.glu" // clear all possible settings // except setup.ini, text.ini execarray("HasBeenSet", clear_stng) ini = ".ini" gsi = "get_settings.ini" ininame = style exec(IsFalseIni) xif( "cond = decode(style, null, false, decode(FalseIni, true, false, true))", "get concat(ininame, ini)", " ThisIniFile = ininame get gsi " ) // DoCGIInput() // rhs "
" session "
" //isxn = decode(isbn, "", decode(issn, "", isxn, issn), isbn) //"This is the oid:" isxn "xxx" //rhs setting section for StraightTo and non-StraightTo //"This is the rhs:" rhs "xxx" rhs = decode( sr, "", decode( oid, "", decode( ss, "", decode( sl, "", decode( isxn, "", decode( oclcno, "", decode(xbarcode, "", decode( rhs, "", "start_page.glu", rhs ), "authorise.glue" ), "oclcno.glue" ), "barc.glue" ), "list_itetitle=''; if (details == '1') { $('#detailsbasketmsg').text( 'This item is included in your basket. Please go to Check Out to place an order for it, or click here to remove it from your basket:' ); dsb_icon.src = '/html/icons/'; } } var sb_icon = document.getElementById('basketicon'); if (resp_arr[1] == 1) { sb_icon.src = '/html/icons/'; $('.imgoffleft').css( 'display', 'inline' ); } $('#shoppinglink,#basketicon').attr( 'title', new_tooltip ); $('#shoppinglinktext').text( new_tooltip ); if (resp_arr[1] == 0) { sb_icon.src = '/html/icons/'; $('#shoppinglinktext').text( '' ); $('.imgoffleft').css( 'display', 'none' ); } }; function ToggleBasket(imgtag, titleno, details) { var uid = '' imgtag.src='/html/icons/spacer.gif'; if (uid == '') { alert('You must log in before you can add an item to your basket'); } else { if (imgtag.title == '') { $.get( '/webview?infile=ajax_handler.glue&addthis=' + titleno + '&action=addtobasket', undefined, function(response) { cb_Basket(imgtag, response, titleno, details); } ); } else { $.get( '/webview?infile=ajax_handler.glue&removethis=' + titleno + '&action=removefrombasket', undefined, function(response) { cb_Basket(imgtag, response, titleno, details); } ); } } }; function closePopupForm(p_Titleno) { $('#popup_form' + p_Titleno).css('left', '-19999px'); $('#popup_form' + p_Titleno).css('right', '9999px'); }; function openPopupForm(p_Titleno) { $('#popup_form' + p_Titleno).css('left', '20%'); $('#popup_form' + p_Titleno).css('right', '20%'); }; function showAvailability(p_Titleno) { $('#popup_form' + p_Titleno).load( '/webview?infile=setres_calendar.glu&oid=' + p_Titleno, function () { openPopupForm(p_Titleno); } ); }; function _dSectionExpand(sec) { var sect_to_close = 'cSec'+sec; var sect_to_open = 'xSec'+sec; document.getElementById(sect_to_close).style.display="none"; document.getElementById(sect_to_open).style.display=""; }; function _dSectionCollapse(sec) { var sect_to_close = 'xSec'+sec; var sect_to_open = 'cSec'+sec; document.getElementById(sect_to_close).style.display="none"; document.getElementById(sect_to_open).style.display=""; }; // -->
ms.glue" ), infile ), decode(IntArith(oid, ">", 0), true, "details.glu", "start_page.glu") ), decode(IntArith(sr, ">", 0), true, "login.glu", "start_page.glu") ) entry = decode(sf_entry, "", entry, sf_entry) entry2 = decode(sf_entry2, "", entry2, sf_entry2) entry3 = decode(sf_entry3, "", entry3, sf_entry3) subentry = decode(sf_subentry, "", subentry, sf_subentry) opt1 = decode(sf_opt1, "", opt1, sf_opt1) opt2 = decode(sf_opt2, "", opt2, sf_opt2) kopt1 = decode(sf_kopt1, "", kopt1, sf_kopt1) kopt2 = decode(sf_kopt2, "", kopt2, sf_kopt2) kopt3 = decode(sf_kopt3, "", kopt3, sf_kopt3) exact = decode(sf_exact, "", exact, sf_exact) trunc = decode(sf_trunc, "", trunc, sf_trunc) searcher = decode( isxn, "", decode(oclcno, "", decode(sssearcher, "", searcher, sssearcher), "oclcno.glue"), "barc.glue" ) workpage = decode( ss, "", decode(isxn, "", decode(oclcno, "", workpage, "searchform.glu"), "searchform.glu"), "searchform.glu" ) nextinfile = decode( sr, "", decode(isxn, "", decode(oclcno, "", nextinfile, "oclcno.glue"), "barc.glue"), do_res_or_req ) loid = decode(oid, "", decode(sr, "", loid, sr), oid) barcode = decode(xbarcode, "", barcode, xbarcode) style = decode(isxn, "", decode(oclcno, "", decode(ssstyle, "", style, ssstyle), "oclcno"), "barc") entry = decode(isxn, "", decode(oclcno, "", entry, oclcno), isxn) nh = decode(nh, "", def_hits_per_page, nh) sf_lopt = decode(isxn, "", decode(oclcno, "", decode(ss, "", sf_lopt, "0"), "0"), "0") show_edit_search = decode(isxn, "", decode(oclcno, "", show_edit_search, "N"), "N") show_save_search = decode(isxn, "", decode(oclcno, "", show_save_search, "N"), "N") //cgi rhs "
" searcher "
" entry "
" style "
"styleok "
infile=" infile "
" nextinfile "
" do_res_or_req "
" mtp run rhs run "footer.glu" " "
Call stack:
Failed to open file 'help.glu'[Error 2=No such file or directory]